Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Elements in the Stars Wednesday Workday

   Today we had the hour to just work on the blog. This free hour Wednesday really helped my workload being reduced greatly, and to have time to type this blog right now. During the hour, I worked on my Elements in the Stars Project, asked questions about blogger formatting, and got to better understand some basic concepts, such as blogger's gadgets. I hope to continue doing these Wednesdays, for they are very helpful to my well being in the class.

Beanium Lab

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Bri and I counting the beans.

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Bri and I weighing the beans, after zeroing the shot glass of course.

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Our calculations on the table.

Today, Bri and I accomplished the Beanium lab. I have to say, this new element looks very familiar to several types of existing beans, but whatever the teacher says is right, so I guess not. We got the free-bee question on our lab, so no question for us, which was awesome. I might have bragged to some friends about it. Also, a proposed question to all that read this? Would it not just be easier to fail the Pre-lab quiz, get the data faster, and finish ahead of the game? I understand if its a cool lab, but the bean counting wasn't desirable.

Quiz Over Atomic Structure and Radioactivity

   I did pretty good on this quiz. I only missed two questions, although I know I could've gotten a 100%. The standards are all okay to me, I just missed a couple of questions from simple mistakes. This grade bought attention the mistakes I made, so I will never make these mistakes. As long as you learn from them, you haven't failed completely. It also bought attention to me what I need to  study extra, so this quiz should help me with my test.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Notes 2

Today, we learned of the history of atomic models and atomic understanding.
Dalton's theory:

  1. All matter consists of microscopic atoms
  2. Atoms cannot be created, destroyed, or changed
  3. All atoms of the same element are identical, specifically in weight
  4. When elements react in compounds, they form in predicable ratios
  5. Atoms can be combined, separated, or rearranged in chemical compounds
Through this theory, we learned how atoms behaved. The theory was disproved in some parts though, such as #3, for isotopes exist.

Pre-Test Radioactive Isotopes

   On the test yesterday, it really opened my eyes to how confusing pre-tests are. I'll probably look back on this and be like "wow, that's so easy now". It also revealed to me how obviously dumb one is before a unit, and how complicated chemistry can be. I came in halfway through a lesson, and I was clueless to say the least. Hopefully, it gets much easier to grasp.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Review on Nomenclature

      This subject showed me how the class is set up, how the quizzes are, and how Blogger works. I learned I was good at everything except the periodic table charges/ electron number. Through this unit my skills on studying was increased and skills of posting on time. This unit applies to the real world, from the use of Nitric and Phosphourous acid to dissolve, to naming ions.

Final Thoughts on Nomenclature

   It was an overall easier unit, except for the Frontier project, which was fun, but very long. The unit really prepped me for the long year ahead, and even though the difficulty will increase, I know get the flow of things in the class.