Thursday, October 29, 2015

Test Reveiw

 I thought today's test was for the most part either easy or hard at times, giving it overall a harder than usual test. It was either very easy or very hard on all questions, which doesn't make for a easy test. I recall a bunch of buzz on who got what, trying to get insight on if they were right or wrong. Hopefully, everyone did well, and good luck to all when we get our scores back.

6 links:
This guy is a Wizard at cooking, helped me a lot on my project:

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Quiz over Chapter's 2 and 5

 Today's quiz I felt was fairly easy. I feel I deserved the grade I got, a 23/ 25 (92%), but I felt like I could've gotten a 100%, so I can't wait to see what I did wrong, and learn from it so I'll never make the same mistakes again. This chapter was fairly review for me because I had physics and engineering previously, this was second nature by now. Anyone out there from engineering remember Truses?

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Did we Pass? Survey Says...

Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had a one group that clutched it at the end, we owe a lot to theses students: Ashley and Dustin. For they saved us from 6 labs of zeros in the future, and provided us with data for those labs. Thanks guys!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Measurement- Aspirin Lab

 Today we had the Pre-Lab quiz, and everybody in the class, partner score plus their score, collectively got a zero. This isn't looking good, considering the fact at least one person needs to pass to get data, for not only this lab but 5 labs in 2nd Quarter. We all get 0's if nobody passes tomorrow, and considering this is of a total of 6 labs, his will drop even the high A's to mere C's.

To all who must pass tomorrow: Good Luck and

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Test Anaylisis

   I think I nailed the test today. Through my reflection on my quiz, using the guided readings to help me study ,and taking good notes, I think I destroyed it. It's nice to finally have this stress revealed, and off my back. Also, the star project I finished yesterday, and I'm formatting it now. APA sourcing is time consuming, but easy relative compared to a test.

6 Links:
Nuclear Fission
Nuclear Fission Diagram
Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear Fusion Diagram
Dalton's Atomic Theory List
Atomic # and Mass #