Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Quiz over Chapter's 2 and 5

 Today's quiz I felt was fairly easy. I feel I deserved the grade I got, a 23/ 25 (92%), but I felt like I could've gotten a 100%, so I can't wait to see what I did wrong, and learn from it so I'll never make the same mistakes again. This chapter was fairly review for me because I had physics and engineering previously, this was second nature by now. Anyone out there from engineering remember Truses?


  1. There were some stumpers on there for me, but's that because I didn't take physics nor engineering. Nice job though! What exactly are truses?

  2. That is a really good score! I only got one less point than you. Sounds like it would be easy since you had physics and engineering already.

  3. Betting on the fact that we'll do as well on the chapter test. I'm hoping so, at the very least. That is, as Riley said, a truly good score. Considering studying with you and Ganon next unit, I am. Heavens, I'm sure it would improve all of our grades. Trusses, indeed, are evil. Completely so.

  4. I, too, pulled from my physics background to help me understand this unit. Specifically scientific notation and the application of it in word problems. I am starting to really appreciate having taken physics last year and chem this year!
