Sunday, November 15, 2015

Formula of a Chloride Review

   I got this one correct, again from the aid of my partner. I had all the math correct, but once again, plugged in the wrong numbers. I've finally been able to grasp the concept that which numbers go where in the process(s) it takes to go from chemical X to Moles of it, and vice versa. The pictures are from our lab this time, and are all original. I distinctly remember having to handle the acid, which I'm normally okay with, but to my horror I though acid had splashed over my hands! I found out later that the group  before mine was late, and didn't have time to dry the water from their beakers. I had mistaken the water for acid because it had the exact same consistency as the acid, and they were both transparent.


  1. I have the same problem whenever I'm doing math, I do the right process, but put in the wrong numbers. I liked the pictures of your lab too.

  2. I have the same problem whenever I'm doing math, I do the right process, but put in the wrong numbers. I liked the pictures of your lab too.

  3. I've also plugged in the wrong numbers many many times, but I think I did okay on the test.

  4. I've also plugged in the wrong numbers many many times, but I think I did okay on the test.

  5. I also have the same problem of plugging in numbers wrong. Thank you for getting the acid though and not making me do it.
